Water Softeners Cambridge - What You Need To Know

Water Softeners Cambridge: Today we are going to tell you everything you need to know to solve your hard water problem in Cambridge.

We have over 25 years experience in the water softener industry in Cambridge, and we'd love to share our expertise with you.

We will talk about the unique hard water problems in your city and let you know about the most effective water softeners Cambridge has to offer. So, let's jump in.


Learn about the best water softeners Cambridge has to offer


Water Softeners Cambridge: Why Do You Need One

If you have hard water, then a water softener is a great investment. Why? Having hard water means that there are large amounts of calcium, magnesium, and possibly other minerals such as iron in your water.

Water hardness is determined by how many milligrams of minerals are found in each litre of your water. If you have more than 17 mg/litre, then your water is considered to be hard.

A water softener removes the calcium and magnesium ions from your water that make is hard. Learn more about hard water here.


Unique Hard Water Challenges in Cambridge

Cambridge has some of the hardest water in Canada. The average water hardness for all of Canada is 10.5 gpg (grains per gallon). Cambridge, however, has between 20 and 32 gpg. That's almost 2 to 3 times harder than the Canadian average.

The hardest water in the city is located in the area southwest of Coronation Blvd, north of St. Andrews St, and the area southwest of Dundas St. S. and south of Ironstone Dr. and Elgin St. S. Click here to see the exact hardness of the water in your area of the city.

The following chart will give you a better idea about how Cambridge ranks for water hardness as compared to other major cities across Canada.


Cambridge has some of the hardest water in Canada


Negative Effects of Hard Water in Cambridge

Mineral Build-Up on Appliances: Hard water will cause mineral deposits to start building up on your appliances that use water such as your coffee maker, dishwasher, and water heater. These deposits can also give your water an unpleasant taste.

Faded Laundry: Hard water will fade your clothing much faster than soft water. The minerals in the water can also make your clothes, towels, and bedding feel scratchy.

Dry Skin and Hair: After you take a bath or shower in hard water, you may notice that both your skin and hair feel dry. This is due to the excessive calcium and magnesium in your hard water.


Hard water can make your skin and hair feel dry


Plumbing Problems: The mineral deposits in hard water can build up over time and clog your pipes. If you have steel pipes, the mineral deposits from your hard water can damage them or even cause them to corrode. You may also notice unsightly stains on your faucets and shower-heads.

Stains on Your Sinks and Bathtubs: The minerals from your hard water will leave a residue that will stain your sinks and bathtubs.

Spots on Your Dishes and Glassware: Hard water will leave unsightly spots on your dishes and glassware even after they have gone through the dishwasher.


How WaterSmart Can Help

WaterSmart is a locally owned and operated water systems company that has been reliably serving the Cambridge area for more than 25 years.

We understand the unique hard water challenges that Cambridge faces because we have been helping our customers solve these challenges since 1994.

We have the best water softeners Cambridge has to offer. Our water softeners are specially designed and custom programmed to tackle the hard water found in Cambridge. Our water softeners are also both economical and highly efficient to run.


Other systems, designed for water in other cities, can't match the performance of our softeners that are made specifically for our city's unique hard water situation.

The following four water softener series have been designed specifically to effectively soften the hard water found in Cambridge: The Econo Series, The Smart Series, The Tahoe Series, and The Signature Series.

All of our water softeners include free installation and set-up by our factory-trained technicians.


WaterSmart water softeners are programmed to fight the hard water in Cambridge


The professionals at WaterSmart can help you calculate your exact water hardness level and corresponding softening needs to determine the appropriate softener for you. We will then install and program your softener so that it operates with the highest efficiency.

We will also teach you how to operate and maintain it. Contact the water softener experts at WaterSmart today, and we will gladly answer all of your water-related questions.


Buy Now and Save!

Now is the perfect time to purchase a WaterSmart water softener. To celebrate our 25th anniversary serving Cambridge and surrounding areas, we have some really great deals on our water softeners.


Save up to $250.00 on our 25th
Anniversary Sale

Get our Smart Series 30, regularly $1,295.00 for just $1,195 plus HST - Save $100.00, or Our 25th Anniversary Tahoe Series 30, for just $1,345 plus HST , regularly $1,595.00 -Save $250.00 and pay using 12 Equal payments with
no interest!


"Absolutely wonderful! After getting many quotes, checking quality of units, warranty and businesses through the BBB, I chose to go with WaterSmart Systems. Best equipment, price, warranty, and people!!"

- Kim Pickles

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